Fitness and a healthy lifestyle

Tips and tricks for getting stronger physically and mentally.

Allison Goldsmith Allison Goldsmith

5 minute isometric upper body stretch

Just did a tough upper body strength workout? Come spend 5 minutes with me and stretch it out. This video is meant to do AFTER an upper body workout.

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Allison Goldsmith Allison Goldsmith

10 minute lower body resistance band workout

I love using bands to intensify my workouts. Resistance bands are a great alternative to dumbbells because they quads, thighs, hips, and hamstrings all while using a mini band.

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Allison Goldsmith Allison Goldsmith

Upper body workout with mini bands

In this upper body workout, we will be strengthening our shoulders, triceps, biceps, chest, and lats all while using a mini band.

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Allison Goldsmith Allison Goldsmith

Learn how to plank

The plank is an essential building block for all core workouts and there are modifications for every level that we will go through together in this workout.

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Allison Goldsmith Allison Goldsmith

10 minute intermediate lower body workout

Let’s kick things up to the next level in this 10 minute intermediate lower body workout. This is a bodyweight only workout to build on the foundational blocks we’ve been working so hard on.

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Allison Goldsmith Allison Goldsmith

10 minute lazy workout

Feeling tired, lazy, not super motivated? This is an easy, bodyweight only, no dumbbells, gentle 10 minute workout to help you feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally.

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Allison Goldsmith Allison Goldsmith

5 minute warm up

Start every workout with a warm up to ensure you have a safe and effective workout.

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Allison Goldsmith Allison Goldsmith

10 minute lower body workout

This 10 minute lower body workout is guaranteed to leave your legs and glutes burning. We’ll target your glutes, calves, hamstrings, hips, and thighs without using any dumbbells or resistance bands.

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Allison Goldsmith Allison Goldsmith

30 minute total body strength workout

Are you ready to feel powerful and strong? In this 30 minute total body strength workout we target our major muscle groups - upper body, lower body and core - without using any weights.

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Allison Goldsmith Allison Goldsmith

10 minute stretch session

Chill out and stretch with me. In this 10 minute stretch session we’ll work on posture, alignment and flexibility as we gently move through exercises to elongate our bodies. No equipment necessary! You can do this stretch session before and after a workout or by itself.

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Allison Goldsmith Allison Goldsmith

10 minute advanced core workout

So, you mastered the 10 minute beginner and intermediate core workouts and are ready to graduate to the advanced class? This 10 minute bodyweight only advanced core workout is guaranteed to fire up your abs and make you shake.

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