10 minute easy core workout

Let’s go back to the basics with this 10 minute easy, simple, and effective core workout. This is a bodyweight only workout to build the foundational blocks for a strong core. We keep the moves simple and there are modifications and progressions for every level. No equipment necessary and I promise no planks! 

Perform these 5 exercises for 40 seconds with 20 seconds of rest between moves and then repeat. 

5 Exercises - 

  1. Standing oblique dip - Right

  2. Standing oblique dip - Left

  3. Bird-dog - Right arm with left leg 

  4. Bird-dog - Left arm with right leg 

  5. Superman 

Standing oblique dip - Stand with your feet hip distance apart and toes parallel. Place your hands behind your head, keep the elbows wide. Slowly guide your right elbow down toward the right hip feeling the crunch on the right side of your body and the stretch on the left side. Repeat for the other direction. Works the obliques and transverse abdominals. 

Bird-dog - Come to a tabletop position with your knees directly under your hips and hands directly under your shoulders. Make sure your back is flat. Extend your left leg straight back behind you, bringing your leg to hip height. Make sure that your hips face the floor. When you’re ready reach your right arm to frame your right ear. Keep your neck in line with your back and squeeze your inner thighs in toward each other. Repeat on the other side. Works the entire core including the low back and deep stabilizing core muscles. 

Superman - Lay flat on your stomach with your arms behind you and palms facing up. Inhale to prepare and exhale to lift the legs, arms and chest off the ground to a hover. Relax your neck and don’t worry about how high up you get. You should feel this in your lower back (a very important part of your core!) Works the low back, glutes, hamstrings, trapezius muscles.

Let me know what you think of this 10 minute basic core workout and stay tuned for more 10 minute workouts. Thank you for getting stronger mentally and physically with me.


10 minute intermediate lower body workout


10 minute easy upper body workout