10 minute upper body workout - dumbbells optional

I’ll be honest with you, my upper body is my weakness. I love working the core and lower body, give me a 30 minute HIIT, or a relaxing yoga session any day, but if someone says triceps - I’m not thrilled. So, when I do an upper body workout I want it to be quick and effective and that’s what this 10 minute workout is all about. 

We'll work your biceps, triceps, chest, shoulders and back. Grab a pair of light dumbbells (I’m using 3lbs) or go equipment free, I promise you will feel the burn. 

Perform these 5 exercises for 40 seconds with 20 seconds of rest between moves. 

Repeat the circuit twice.

5 Exercises - 

  1. Server

  2. Goal post arms

  3. Elevated bicep curl 

  4. Lateral arm lift 

  5. Tricep pulse 

Server - stand tall with your arms out in front of you in a V shape in front of your body, palms face up, slowly pull your elbows in behind your back, do not puff your chest and feel the squeeze between your shoulder blades. Slowly come back to the starting position, making sure to squeeze every time you bring your elbows back behind you. Works trapezius muscles, pectorals and biceps

Goal post arms - stand tall with your arms at a 90 degree bend, elbows at shoulder height, palms face forward, keeping the 90 degree bend in your arms slowly bring your elbows, forearms and palms toward each other until they touch at the center of your chest.  Slowly bring your arms back to the starting point. Works shoulders, pectorals 

Elevated bicep curl - stand tall with arms extended in front of your chest at shoulder height, palms face up towards the ceiling, keeping your elbows still and at shoulder height, bring your hands in towards your shoulders. Make sure to keep a straight/stiff wrist. Works biceps, shoulders 

Lateral arm lift - stand tall with extended arms by your sides, palms face your thighs, slowly lift your arms to shoulder height, palms face the floor, arms come down halfway and then back up to shoulder height. Works shoulders, chest 

Tricep pulse - feet hip distance apart, bend at the knees, hinge forward with the hips, look diagonally down from your nose to the floor keeping a neutral neck that is in line with your spine. Arms extend behind you, palms face up toward the ceiling, keeping the arms lifted high, pulse up. Works triceps, trapezius muscles


10 minute stretch session


10 minute advanced core workout