5 minute warm up

Start every workout with a warm up to ensure you have a safe and effective workout. Warm ups help prepare your body physically and mentally for the upcoming work. Do this 5 minute warm up to gradually increase the speed of your cardiovascular system. This sends oxygen and blood to your muscles to help prevent injury and reduce muscle soreness. 

Perform these 9 exercises for 30 seconds.

5 Exercises - 

  1. Arms up and around

  2. Arm circles 

  3. Hip circles

  4. March

  5. March add pull down

  6. Side lunge shifts

  7. Side lunge shifts add arm reach

  8. Groin stretch

  9. Wrist rolls

**Remember to reverse your circle direction.

Let me know what you think of this 5 minute warm up. Thank you for getting stronger mentally and physically with me.


10 minute lazy workout


10 minute lower body workout