10 minute lazy workout

Feeling tired, lazy, not super motivated? This is an easy, bodyweight only, no dumbbells, gentle 10 minute workout to help you feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally. In this 10 minute video we keep the moves simple and there are modifications for every level. No equipment necessary and I promise there is no jumping. 

Perform these 9 exercises for 40 seconds with 20 seconds of rest between moves. 

9 Exercises - 

  1. Ballerina arms - alternating 

  2. March - point toes (hands overhead or on hips)

  3. Torso twist with center Y lift

  4. Sumo squat with hip flexor stretch

  5. Cat-cow 

  6. Forearm plank - modify to knees 

  7. Hip bridge 

  8. Overhead reach with knee pull in

  9. Child’s pose


Ballerina arms - The right arm reaches over your head toward the left, while your left arm reaches across your belly toward the right. Repeat sides. Stretches the obliques and lats. 

March - Lift one knee up to a comfortable height, point the toes and then switch legs. Moving at a comfortable pace. You can place your hands on your hips or arms straight over head with palms facing each other. Works the hip flexors, quads, glutes, calves. 

Torso twist with center Y lift - Stand with feet hip distance apart, toes parallel, arms lifted to chest height, palms face down, twist from your torso/ribcage to the left trying to keep you hips still and facing forward. Bring your torso back to center, lift arms over head to a Y position, bring arms back to chest height and twist to the other side. Works the obliques, transverse abdominals, shoulders, lats.

Sumo squat with hip flexor stretch - Separate your feet wider than hip distance, heels turned in with toes turned out. Hands on your hips, tuck your tailbone and bend your knees. Gently lean your left shoulder towards your right inner thigh and repeat on the other side. Works the inner thighs, outer thighs, hip flexors and glutes.

Cat-cow - Place hands directly under the shoulders, palms flat with knees directly under the hips. Push your chest forward and up through your arms looking up toward the ceiling while arching your low back to bring your butt up. Push down through your hands, start to look down to the floor, round your back toward the ceiling like a hollow cat, tucking your tailbone. Works spinal mobility, warms up the front and posterior core. 

Forearm plank - Keep a flat back, neutral neck, engage your core, and take controlled deep breaths. Shoulders are directly over your elbows, palms flat and fingers spread wide. Modification - come down to your knees. Works the entire body.

Hip bridge - Lay flat on your back with bent knees and arms by your sides with palms facing the floor. Your fingertips should be close enough to almost touch the back of your heels. Your feet are parallel and hip distance apart. Relax your head, neck, chest and back. Press down through your feet to lift your glutes a few inches off the floor. Do not lift your upper and middle back off the floor. Squeeze your glutes at the top of the hip bridge and slowly lower your glutes down to the floor. Works the hips, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.  

Overhead reach with knee pull in - Lay flat on your back, head resting on the floor, hug your knees into your chest. Make sure to keep your low back engaged and touching the floor. At the same time, extend your legs straight on the diagonal while extending your arms overhead keeping the palms facing each other. Slowly pull the knees and arms in toward your chest.  Works the lower abdominals and lats. 

Child’s pose - Bring your big toes to touch, your knees spread wide, sit your glutes back toward your heels. Reach your arms out long in front of you, palms face down and forehead gently comes down the floor. Stretches the low back, hips and hip flexors. 

Let me know what you think of this 10 minute easy and energizing workout and stay tuned for more 10 minute workouts. Thank you for getting stronger mentally and physically with me. 


10 minute easy upper body workout


5 minute warm up