10 minute lower body workout

This 10 minute lower body workout is guaranteed to leave your legs and glutes burning. We will target your glutes, calves, hamstrings, hips, and thighs without using any dumbbells or resistance bands. The lower body is our powerhouse and it’s so important to keep it strong. We are going to have so much fun together in this quick and effective workout! 

Perform these 5 exercises for 40 seconds with 20 seconds of rest between moves. 

Repeat the circuit twice.

5 Exercises - 

  1. Sumo squat

  2. Alternating lateral lunge

  3. Squat to calf raise

  4. Single leg - lateral lift flexed foot (R, L)

  5. Hip bridge


Sumo squat - Separate your feet wider than hip distance, heels turned in with toes turned out. Hands on your hips, tuck your tailbone and bend your knees. Keep a proud chest. Works the inner thighs, outer thighs and glutes.

Alternating side lunge- Start with feet together and parallel. Right foot takes a large lateral step while keeping your toes pointing forward. Bend the right knee making sure your knee tracks over your toes and keep your left leg straight. Step your right foot back to center and perform the exercise with the left foot. Make sure to keep your hips facing forward and a proud chest with a flat back. Works the inner thighs, quads, and hips.

Squat to calf raise - Feet are hip distance apart, toes parallel, hands on hips, keep a flat back and proud chest. Bend your knees, sit your butt back and keep your weight in the heels of your feet. Pause at the bottom of the squat, lift up, extend the legs and slowly raise your heels off the floor. Gently lower your heels back to the floor and perform the squat again. Works the quads, glutes, and calves. 

Single leg lateral leg raise with flexed foot- Place your hands on your hip and keep your hips facing forward and still. Plant your right foot down into the ground and slowly hover your left foot above the floor. Flex your left foot and slowly (keeping your left leg straight) lift your left leg out toward the side of your body. The outside edge of your foot leads the way up and the inside edge of your foot taps down to the floor. Do not lean into the right hip and only lift your leg as high as you can keep good form. Modification - use a chair or wall on the right side of your body for support. Works the hips, outer thighs, and core. 

Hip bridge - Lay flat on your back with bent knees and arms by your sides with palms facing the floor. Your fingertips should be close enough to almost touch the back of your heels. Feet are parallel and hip distance apart. Relax your head, neck, chest and back. Press down through your feet to lift your glutes a few inches off the floor. Do not lift your upper and middle back off the floor. Squeeze your glutes at the top of the hip bridge and slowly lower your glutes down to the floor. Works the hips, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.  

Let me know what you think of this 10 minute lower body workout and stay tuned for more 10 minute workouts. Thank you for getting stronger mentally and physically with me.


5 minute warm up


30 minute total body strength workout