10 minute low impact hiit workout - option to use a chair or the floor

In this 10 minute low impact high intensity interval training (HIIT) workout we will target your entire body without jumping. I’ll show two versions of the moves that involve going to the floor - one that goes to the floor and the other uses a chair.

We’ll perform 5 moves twice, and finish with a cool down that includes static stretches. We perform each exercise for 40 seconds with 20 seconds of rest between exercises.

The 5 exercises are - 

  1. Squat to alternating knee raise

  2. Walking burpee - floor / chair 

  3. Alternating forward lunge

  4. Mountain climbers - floor / chair 

  5. Ice skaters

Let me know what you think of this 10 low impact HIIT workout and stay tuned for more 10 minute workouts. Thank you for getting stronger mentally and physically with me.


Beginner lower body workout - the basics - learn to squat


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