7 minute bodyweight core workout


A strong core is the foundation for all exercises. Try this simple, bodyweight ONLY and effective ab routine to build your foundational strength. 

Perform these 7 exercises for 45 seconds with 15 seconds of rest between moves. If you’re feeling spicy after one round, go for 2 more rounds - rest for 1 minute between rounds. In total it’s a 24 minute awesome ab routine. 

  1. Forearm plank

  2. Superman

  3. 90 degree hold

  4. Double leg lift 

  5. Bicycle legs

  6. Russian twist 

  7. Boat pose 

Forearm plank - Keep a flat back and neutral neck, engage your core, and take controlled deep breaths. Modification - come down to your knees. 

Superman - Exhale on the way up and inhale on the way down. Relax your neck and don’t worry about how high up you get. You should feel this in your lower back (a very important part of your core!)

90 degree hold - Press your low back into the mat, knees directly over hips, feet flexed and shins parallel to the floor - I promise you will feel the burn. 

Double leg lift - Press your low back into the mat (you can put your hands under your sacrum for extra support) and glue your legs together. Don’t forget to point your toes. 

Bicycle legs - Point your toes, keep those legs long and low to the mat. Relax your chest, keep your head on the mat and pedal away!

Russian twist - Move slowly with control. You can keep your heels on the mat or raise them for more of a challenge. Try not to rock around, focus on keeping the knees and hips still. 

Boat pose - You can keep your heels on the mat and your hands gently placed behind your thighs to modify. Remember to sit up tall with a proud chest and lean back until you feel your core ignite.


10 minute beginner core workout


Balance and strength exercises for older adults