10 minute beginner core workout

Core workouts are some of my favorite exercises. A strong core improves your balance, stability, and foundational strength. Try this beginner (bodyweight only) core workout to target your entire core - obliques, transverse abdominals, low back, low belly, pelvis and hips. Do this workout with me on Youtube!

Perform these 5 exercises for 40 seconds with 20 seconds of rest between moves. 

Repeat the circuit twice.

5 Exercises - 

  1. Boat pose

  2. Russian twist

  3. Forearm plank

  4. Superman 

  5. 90 degree hold

Boat pose - Your heels dig into the mat, feet flexed and place your hands gently placed behind your thighs. Remember to sit up tall with a proud chest and lean back until you feel your core ignite. Works the low back, rectus abdominis, hips, quads

Russian twist - Move slowly with control. Keep your heels on the mat with feet flexed. Place your hands on the opposite shoulder and focus on keeping the knees and hips still. Works the low back, obliques, transverse abdominals, hips, quads

Forearm plank - Keep a flat back, neutral neck, engage your core, and take controlled deep breaths. Shoulders are directly over your elbows, palms flat and fingers spread wide. Modification - come down to your knees. Works the entire body

Superman - Exhale on the way up and inhale on the way down. Relax your neck and don’t worry about how high up you get. You should feel this in your lower back (a very important part of your core!) Works the low back, glutes, hamstrings, trapezius muscles

90 degree hold - Press your low back into the mat, knees directly over hips, feet flexed and shins parallel to the floor. Works the low back, low abdominals, hips, quads

Let me know what you think of this beginner 10 minute core workout and stay tuned for the intermediate bodyweight only 10 minute core workout. Thank you for getting stronger mentally and physically with me.


10 minute intermediate core workout


7 minute bodyweight core workout